Selasa, 24 September 2013

Suzhou China - MADA Industrial Design Graduate Exhibition

Suzhou China - MADA Industrial Design Graduate Exhibition 2013

Master of Industrial Design projects 2013.
Southeast University-Monash University Joint Graduate School (Suzhou).

Master of Industrial Design projects 2013.
Southeast University-Monash University Joint Graduate School (Suzhou).

Shi Yong - Michale
Project: Spray

Huang Cheng - Calix
Project: Ocean

Xu Fang Fang - Melody
Project: Quake

Zhu Kongyou - Carl
Project: Toy

Wang Quan - Billy
Project: Water

Xu Jingjing - Henry
Project: Water

Zong Yaodong - Tom
Project: Tea

Xia Yanwei - Andy
Project: Lake

Yanhiu Du-  Jason
Project: Fish

Han Tao - Gary
Project: Delivery

Li Yang - Jesse
Project: Beach

Zhong Xing - Cindy
Project: Yum

Guan Rui - Angela
Project: Blood

Kamis, 19 September 2013

Thought into Form - Book Launch

MADA Monash Art Design and Architecture will launch of Thought into Form on Tuesday September 24th, 2013.

Thought into Form - MADA Monash Art Design and Architecture

Professor Shane Murray Dean of Monash Art Design and Architecture [MADA] invites you to attend the launch of THOUGHT INTO FORM by John Warwicker. 

Tuesday September 24th
111 Sturt Street

Thought Into Form celebrates the rich diversity of practice throughout the MADA community. Thought Into Form provides the starting point for discourse about how the multidisciplinary will help shape and inform our future.

The evening includes keynote provocations on the future of collaborative creative practice from:

John Warwicker, Professor of Design MADA & editor of Thought Into Form
Juliana Engberg, Artistic Director, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art
Roger Wood, Wood Marsh Architecture
Tara McDowell, Director of Cultural Practice at MADA

Book Launch - Thought into Form - John Warwicker


Minggu, 08 September 2013

Archie Roach - First Peoples Exhibition Opening

Archie Roach performed as part of the community celebrations at the opening of First Peoples Exhibition at the Melbourne Museum.

Archie Roach performs at First Peoples Exhibition opening.

Sabtu, 07 September 2013

Wominjeka - First Peoples Exhibition Melbourne Museum

Wominjeka - Welcome.

First Peoples Exhibition opened on Saturday Sept 7th and presents the voices of Victoria’s First Peoples utilising cutting-edge multimedia and features Aboriginal language, artefacts and contemporary artworks. First Peoples will tells the story of Aboriginal Victoria from the time of Creation to today.

Wominjeka - Welcome to country ceremony for First Peoples Exhibition at Melbourne Museum

Wominjeka - First Peoples Exhibition Melbourne Museum

First Peoples Exhibition - Creators project

Wominjeka - First Peoples at Melbourne Museum

Wominjeka - First Peoples at Melbourne Museum

Wominjeka - First Peoples at Melbourne Museum

Wominjeka - First Peoples at Melbourne Museum

Kamis, 05 September 2013

Business of Design - Forum

The Business of Design in the Asian Century forum was held at the Design Hub on Thursday Sept 5th 2103.

Speakers were invited to explore the concept of what is Melbourne design, why it is unique, where our capabilities lie and importantly, as organisations, what do we need to focus on to succeed in the dynamic Asian market.

Speakers included:

Mr Dominic Russo, Victorian President, Design Institute of Australia and Managing Director, Diadem
Prof Gerda Gemser, Professor of Business and Design, School of Economics, Finance and Marketing, RMIT University
Mr Steve Martinuzzo, Principal, CobaltNiche
Prof Mark Armstrong, Eva and Marc Besen, International Research Chair in Design, Monash University and Director, Blue Sky Design Group
Prof Rob Adams, Director City Design, City of Melbourne.

Prof Rob Adams, Prof Mark Armstrong, Steve Martinuzzo, Prof Gerda Gemser, and Dominic Russo

Senin, 02 September 2013

First Peoples Exhibition - Bunjilaka Museum Victoria

Bunjilaka’s new exhibition on Victoria's First Peoples opens soon!

The gallery will reopen to the public on 7 September 2013 with an exciting new exhibition, First Peoples.

 First Peoples Exhibition - Melbourne Museum

Told through the voices of Victoria’s First Peoples, and utilising cutting-edge multimedia, Aboriginal language, artefacts and contemporary artworks, First Peoples will tell the story of Aboriginal Victoria from the time of Creation to today.

Creation Theatre - Bunjil wings. First Peoples Exhibition.

First Peoples will celebrate the history, culture, achievements and survival of Victoria’s Aboriginal people. The exhibition highlights include:

Be transported to the time of Creation through the story of Bunjil (the wedge-tailed eagle), Creator for many Victorian Aboriginal clans, inside the Creation Cinema
Hear from Victorian Aboriginal people aged from 8 to 72 speaking about their identity, community and culture in the Deep Listening Space
Join the Messenger – virtual human guide – on a journey of discovery through the exhibition
Uncover stories and objects telling how the First Peoples lived before European settlement, highlighting Aboriginal Australia’s complex web of social, cultural and economic ties
Marvel at more than 600 historic and contemporary artefacts from across Victoria and Australia, from one of the world’s premier collections of Australian Aboriginal cultural material
See numerous contemporary artworks and objects commissioned from Koorie artists

First Peoples will be a permanent exhibition on display at the Bunjilaka Aboriginal Cultural Centre at Melbourne Museum.

First Peoples exhibition at Melbourne Museum

First Peoples is being co-curated by Yulendj (“knowledge”) Group of Elders and community representatives from across Victoria with Museum Victoria staff - contributing stories, objects and deep cultural and historical knowledge to this exhibition.

First Peoples is being developed with the significant support from Yulgibar Foundation, John T Reid Charitable Trusts and Rio Tinto Ltd.

Australian Design - Silvan Redline Spotpak 55L

Designed in Australia the Silvan 55L Redline Spotpak sprayer was released on September 1st.

Industrial designer Ian Wong with the new Silvan Selecta 55L Redline Spotpak sprayer.

Designed by consultant industrial designer Ian Wong from EJO Design the Redline series is a new product range that will be manufactured in China for global distribution.

Silvan Super Spring Catalogue launches the new 55L Redline Spotpak sprayer.

Industrial designer Ian Wong inspects off tool samples in China prior to production.

Silvan 55L Redline Spotpak sprayer designed in Australia.

1:1 foam model of lid spill containment feature.

Australian Design - The Silvan 55L Redline Spotpak sprayer designed by industrial designer Ian Wong

Minggu, 01 September 2013

Tom Matano - Mazda MX5 drive.

If I had a bucket list I would have put owning a red first series Mazda MX5 designed by Tom Matano at the top. Tom inspired me when I first met him in Melbourne in 1989 as he presented his work for Mazda to my industrial design students at RMIT. This remains for me the best lecture on industrial design I have ever seen.

On my recent trip to San Francisco I thought I was in heaven when Tom treated me to an extensive tour of the streets of San Francisco in his personal original MX5.

Driving with Tom Matano in his original Mazda MX5 in San Francisco.

Tom Matano shares the streets of San Francisco in his Mazda MX5.

Mazda MX5 designed by Tom Matano

Industrial designers Ian Wong and Tom Matano