Minggu, 13 Mei 2018

Apa itu Industrial Hygiene ?

Industrial Hygiene adalah ilmu tentang antisipasi, mengenal, mengevaluasi serta mengontrol kondisi lingkungan kerja yang dapat mempengaruhi tenaga kerja [menyebabkan sakit, gangguan kesehatan atau ketidaknyamanan pada pekerja]

Yang dapat dilakukan oleh seorang Industrial Hygienist adalah menerapkan ilmu Medical Scientist, Detective, dan Engineer. Pengetahuan yang luas mengenai ilmu kesehatan sangat membantu seorang Industrial Hygienist dalam memandang permasalahan di tempat kerja.

Seorang Industrial hygienist adalah detektif, sebab kita diharuskan mengetahui informasi lebih mengenai bahaya-bahaya di dalam tempat kerja. Monitor lingkungan kerja dan menganalisa metodenya yang nanti digunakan untuk menganalisa dampaknya terhadap pekerja yang terpajan.

Analisa bahaya di tempat kerja merupakan tahap pertama terpenting dari seorang Industrial Hygienist untuk mengetahui potensi bahaya di tempat kerja terhadap pekerja. Pengenalan lapangan kerja yang merupakan daerah tanggung jawab Kita harus dikontrol setiap waktu, sehingga perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi di area kerja dapat termonitor setiap saat.
Dalam memonitor lingkungan kerja, selain lingkungan fisik, perlu juga dilakukan monitoring terhadap para pekerja dengan melakukan interview untuk menanyakan apakah ada isu-isu kesehatan yang terjadi di areanya. Sebelumnya kita harus memberikan informasi kedatangan Kita kepada Foreman atau Supervisor yang berwenang di area tersebut. Sehingga apabila ditemukan hal-hal yang substandard bisa dilakukan klarifikasinya kepada mereka. Ini dilakukan agar tidak terjadi kesalahan informasi antara kondisi lapangan dengan keterangan dari mereka.

Selama proses menganalisa seorang Industrial Hygienist melakukan:

1. Mengidentifikasi bahaya-bahaya yang mungkin dapat terjadi, permasalahan-permasalahan kerja serta resikonya. Menganalisa kondisi-kondisi yang dapat diukur untuk mencari permasalan yang timbul.

2. Mengembangkan strategi sampling dan menggunakan peralatan-peralatan sampling yang dimiliki untuk mengukur seberapa besar sumber bahaya di tempat kerja.

3. Melakukan pengamatan terhadap bagaimana dampak sumber-sumber bahaya kimia dan fisika dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan pekerja dengan melakukan pengukuran.

4. Membandingkan hasil sampling dengan standart atau petunjuk yang relevan untuk menentukkan apakah pengontrolan khusus diperlukan.

Pengontrolan di Tempat Kerja yang dapat dilakukan:

1. Engineering kontrol.

· Menghilangkan semua bahaya-bahaya yang ditimbulkan.

· Mengurangi sumber bahaya dengan mengganti dengan bahan yang kurang berbahaya.

· Work proses ditempatkan terpisah.

· Menempatan ventilasi local/umum.

2. Administrasi kontrol.

· Pengaturan schedule kerja atau meminimalkan kontak pekerja dengan sumber bahaya.

3. Praktek kerja.

· Mengikuti prosedur yang sesuai untuk meminimalisasi pemaparan ketika pengoperasian.

· Inspeksi secara reguler dan perawatan peralatan.

4. APD.

· Ini merupakan langkah terakhir dari hirarki pengendalian.

Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2013

CobaltNiche - Melbourne Tram

Melbourne is famous for trams so it was with some pride and delight that I saw for the first time yesterday the new Melbourne Tram designed by industrial design consultants CobaltNiche. The project began several years ago and I have posted previously about this iconic project. The E-Class trams are not yet taking passengers as they complete out-of-service testing but it is great to see them out and about.

Melbourne Tram designed by CobaltNiche.

The tram appeared on the extension of Exhibition Street and then travelled down Flinders Street passed Fed Sq and Finders Street Station. An iconic Melbourne location for a new Melbourne Icon.

Melbourne's new tram outside the iconic Flinders Street Station.

New Melbourne Tram in Flinders Street.

E-Class trams will not only be the biggest that Melbourne has ever seen, they will also be the safest and most accessible with a range of innovative features including:

air-conditioning specifically designed for Melbourne's weather
dedicated wheelchair spaces with accessible intercom and next stop request button
external cameras to monitor passenger boarding and record motor vehicles illegally passing stationary trams
improved ride comfort and reduced noise with rotating bogies to handle tight turns
improved safety features to absorb impact in event of a collision
improved security via CCTV and emergency intercoms at each doorway
increased grab rails and stop request buttons in ergonomically selected locations
slip-resistant floors
state-of-the-art audio and visual announcements including next stop, destination, direction and connectivity.

Bernie Walsh - China International Creative Design Week

Bernie Walsh has been invited to present at the Fourth China International Creative Design Week events in Hainan and Beijing in China October 24-28th.

Designer Bernie Walsh

Bernie is at the forefront of digital design techniques and will present recent outcomes from teaching in the Master of Industrial Design program at the Southeast University-Monash University Joint Graduate School (Suzhou). The use of wifi tablets in teaching was the topic of our joint paper at the PACE Conference at Art Center Pasadena. 'Wifi tablet - just what the industrial design academic ordered'.
The paper was awarded the best design presentation at the conference organised by GM, Autodesk Oracle, HP and Siemens.

Ian Wong and Bernie Walsh present at Art Center Pasadena July 2013.

Wifi tablets - Just what the industrial design academic ordered.

Best design presentation award at PACE conference Art Center Pasadena USA.

Bernie Walsh demonstrating to students at Art Center Pasadena USA.

Jumat, 18 Oktober 2013

China Design Exhibition Beijing - CobaltNiche

Award winning industrial design consultancy CobaltNiche will exhibit at The Fourth China International Creative Design Week in Beijing October 26-28. The event will provide CobaltNiche with an opportunity to showcase medical and scientific projects like the Agilent Cary 630 and Agilent Cary 60.

CobaltNiche director Jack Magree discusses features of the Agilent 630 with Ian Wong.

Adam Cornish - Alessi Trinity Bowl

Kjell Grant was very excited late in 2010 to show me the Trinity bowl by designer Adam Cornish. Kjell's office was next to mine and we met by the printer and as always he was excited about the new work from Melbourne's young design talent. Adam had exhibited with Melbourne Movement in Milan previously and would take the new product to Salone Satellite 2011 in Milan. 

Last year at this time Melbourne Movement proudly exhibited the Trinty bowl at Grand Designs Live in Melbourne.

It was great yesterday to get Kjell and Adam together to celebrate the recent launch of the Trinity bowl as an Alessi product in the Fall/Winter catalogue. Adam is very proud of the production product and reports are that so are customers worldwide.

Industrial designer Adam Cornish with Melbourne Movement Founder and President Kjell Grant

Alessi Trinity bowl designed by Adam Cornish

Alessi Fall/Winter catalogue launches the Trinity bowl by industrial designer Adam Cornish.

Trinty bowl at Grand Designs Live 2012

Melbourne Movement, RMIT University, Kjell Grant and major sponsor The City of Melbourne can be justly proud of the continued success of designers supported to exhibit at Salone Satellite in Milan each year.

Adam Cornish has been selected to exhibit work as part of Melbourne Now by the NGV.

Kjell Grant is a Hall of Fame member of the Design Institute of Australia.

Rabu, 16 Oktober 2013

Mark Richardson - FAB Velo Exhibition

FAB Velo is an exhibition at MADA Gallery of the research work of industrial designer Mark Richardson.

FAB Velo - Mark Richardson

Industrial Designer Mark Richardson

This practice-based industrial design research project proposes a modular, upcycled, and DIY velomobile design, with the aim of making personal transport more accessible, diverse and sustainable. By using Open Design principles and digital production tools, the vehicle design can be personalised and made at home by the end-user from waste materials.

FAB Velo - MADA Gallery

FAB Velo - Mark Richardson

FAB Velo - MADA Gallery

FAB Velo
16-19 October
Opening Hours:
Monday - Friday 9am-5pm
Saturday 12-5pm

MADA Gallery, Monash Art Design & Architecture
900 Dandenong Road | Caulfield East VIC 3145 | Australia
t: +61 3 9903 2882 e: MADA.Gallery@monash.edu
W: http://monash.edu/mada/gallery/
Facebook: MADA Gallery, Monash University

Selasa, 15 Oktober 2013

CCPIT - China Council for the Promotion of International Trade

The Design Institute of Australia has been invited to showcase Australian design at the Fourth China International Creative Design Week. The Deputy Director, Economic Information Department of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade CCPIT met with Design Institute of Australia directors Karinna Gobbo and Ian Wong on September 24th in Sydney.

The Fourth China International Creative Design Week will be held in Hainan and Beijing October 24-28 2013.

L-R: Mr Ma Lei, Mr Liu Zhengfu, Ian Wong and Karinna Gobbo.